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Board of Fire Commissioners
Regular Monthly Meeting
November 25, 2013
Hawleyville Fire Department

Chairman Manna called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.

Commissioners Present:  Burton, Cragin, Descheneaux, Goosman, Jossick, Manna and Nezvesky
Marshal’s Present:  Clark, Halstead, Ober and Frampton


MOTION:  Goosman moved that the minutes be accepted as presented.
Seconded:  Jossick
Motion passed
Abstention:  Descheneaux

Comment from last month’s minutes:  Burn building receipts were received and the issue taken care of, per Burton.

Chairman’s Comments:  none

Correspondence to the BOFC:
Date            From/To                         Subject____________________________________
11/22/13        NUSAR/BOFC                      Dry Hydrant Inspections
11/2013         Applied Rescue/BOFC             Zebra Mussels and Newtown BOFC’s Dry Hydrants

Correspondence from the BOFC: None

Marshal’s Report for the Month
  • Halstead reported there were 106 calls, 408hours worked, and 554 incidents.  
  • Halstead - Met on Sand Hook Elementary rebuild and construction meeting.
  • Halstead - Hose Testing
  • Halstead - Event Layout Reed School
  • Frampton – Fire Drill Children’s Adventure Center, and Fire Extinguisher Training.
  • Clark – Fire prevention materials, poster contest material and fire extinguisher training.
  • Ober – Fire extinguisher training and inspections with Frampton.
  • All paperwork has been signed for the new traffic light on Toddy Hill Road and Route 34 with pre-emptive system installed.
  • Deputy raises will be discussed in budget under Old Business.
Combined Chiefs’ Report
  • Chief’s met on 11/19/13 and asked that going forward any letters from the Combined Chiefs be attached to the minutes.
  • The new ambulance chief will be invited to the January Combined Chief’s meeting.
Committee Reports

Burton reported:
  • Bob Tait sent an email to Burton asking him to inform the BOFC’s that they have approximately $15K to be used to purchase fire operational equipment.  The Chiefs have advised Burton where they would like funds to be spent for their respective departments.  This money will be split equally between the 5 companies.
MOTION:  Cragin made a motion to approve the $15K for the purchase of fire operational equipment per the respective Chief’s requests.
Seconded:  Jossick
Motion passed unanimously

  • Burton met with the Chiefs to discuss the $20K re-appropriation for their respective departments:
Sandy Hook – generator for substation
NHL - gear washer and dryer with installation
Botsford – replace breathing air compressor
Hawleyville – 3 airpacks
Dodgingtown – command vehicle fit out and airpack

MOTION:  Goosman made a motion to approve the above re-appropriation.
Seconded:  Descheneaux
Motion passed unanimously

  • DOT and Pump testing delayed - will start next week.
  • Waiting for quotes on Engine 551 radiator replacement and to replace Hurst tool hydraulic lines.
Policy – no report

McCarthy presented the bill from NUSAR for the dry hydrant inspections.

MOTION:  Nezvesky moved that the bill in the amount of $1,235 for dry hydrant inspections from NUSAR be approved for payment.
Seconded:  Descheneaux
Motion passed unanimously

McCarthy presented the bill from Applied Rescue for the cleaning and repair of hydrants located at the Hanover Boat launch.  

MOTION:  Descheneaux moved that the bill in the amount of $227.14 from Applied Rescue be approved for payment.
Seconded:  Goosman
Motion passed unanimously

Burton reported:
  • NH&L has heating problems in building.  Quote being worked up to replace parts.
  • Gowans Knight – BOFC should discuss the replacement of the generator for Hawleyville #331.  Manna requested they budget for this as a capital item as this will be a large expenditure beyond our maintenance account.
  • Quotes have been received for DOT and pump testing – rates remain the same except there is now a transportation charge.  This item is not budgeted.  Perhaps the town paid driver could drive the trucks for the respective departments.
MOTION:  Jossick moved that the town paid driver drive trucks for the DOT and Pump testing appointments if no other department volunteers are available to do so.
Seconded:  Descheneaux
Motion passed
Nays - Cragin

  • Beginning at the next monthly meeting, Burton will give a more extensive purchasing report as requested by the chiefs.
~Commissioner Cragin stated that he does not need a written report as it is too time consuming to prepare.
  • Capital Purchasing bids will be sent out before the end of the year.
McCarthy reported on the Zebra Mussel condition.  All pumps should be flushed out afterwards if using Lake Zoar or Lillinonah.  All hydrants were discussed and what action items need to take place with each of them.

It was suggested that the BOFC apply to the Wetlands Commission to get permits to dredge the necessary hydrants (if necessary).  Nezvesky will contact Rob Sibley for direction and next steps to get this item done.  Manna asked Nezvesky to contact Rob Sibley for permitting to get this done.  Nezvesky will report back at next month’s meeting on the outcome.

Old Business
  • Reappointment of Fire and Deputy Fire Marshals.
MOTION:  Goosman made a motion to reappoint Fire Marshal Bill Halstead.
Seconded:  Burton
Motion passed unanimously

MOTION:  Goosman made a motion to reappoint Deputy Fire Marshal Rich Frampton.
Seconded:  Jossick
Motion passed unanimously

MOTION:  Goosman made a motion to reappoint Deputy Fire Marshal Ryan Clark.
Seconded:  Burton
Motion passed unanimously

MOTION:  Goosman made a motion to reappoint Deputy Fire Marshal Dave Ober
Seconded:  Burton
Motion passed unanimously

Hose Replacement–Burton reported on the results of fire hose from testing.  The testing was $8,771, estimated hose replacement was $14,265, budgeted hose is $7,350.  The total cost is $30,386.  The total budgeted $19,170.  Total overage to replace failed hose $11,216.

MOTION:  Goosman made a motion to allocate the additional money needed from the hose account to purchase required hose.
Seconded:  Cragin
Motion passed unanimously

Dodgingtown Command Truck:

MOTION:  Jossick moved that the town purchase from Shaker Ford the Dodgingtown Command Truck in the amount of $28,998 as it has met all specifications.
Seconded:  Burton
Motion passed unanimously

A letter will be sent to Bob Tait from Rob Manna with this request.

MOTION:  Jossick made a motion that the Truck Committee approve the fit out specs as presented for the Dodgingtown Command Vehicle.
Seconded:  Descheneaux
Motion passed unanimously

Note:  Dodgingtown chose to allocate their share of the $20K re-appropriation for this fit out.  They have latitude to spend more money as needed from their own funds.

2014/2015 Budget
Burton presented a hard copy of the budget to the BOFC for their review and approval.

  • Manna to send Maureen Will a letter requesting communications upgrade status.
  • Manna requested Board to include an additional $6,000 for the purchase of Knox box key security boxes to outfit Botsford, Hawleyville, and Dodgingtown who did not budget for such in 2014/2015 budget.
MOTION:  Cragin moved to accept the 2014-2015 budget with a bottom line figure of $1,249,939 which includes the $6K addition in capital for the additional 3 departments to receive Knox box key security boxes for their vehicles.
Seconded:  Goosman
Motion passed
Nays:  Descheneaux and Nezvesky

  • Manna commented on the job well done in preparing the budget and thanked the Budget Committee for their long hours and hard work.
New Business

Training Requests:

MOTION:   Descheneaux moved to approve Dodgingtown’s request in the amount of $200.00 for the EMT recertification of Commissioner Descheneaux.
Second:  Goosman
Motion passed unanimously

The meeting moved into Executive Session at:  8:14 p.m.
The meeting move out of Executive Session at: 9:15 p.m.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 9:16 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Terry Hennessey
Terry Hennessey